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Corrected Member ANOCs

Some Health Alliance Northwest Medicare Advantage members on SignalAdvantage plans recently received the wrong Annual Notice of Change (ANOC).

  • SignalAdvantage HMO Rx Plus (HMO) members received the ANOC for our SignalAdvantage POS Rx Plus (HMOPOS) plan. This affected 683 members.
  • SignalAdvantage HMO Rx (HMO) members received the ANOC for our SignalAdvantage HMO Rx Plus (HMO) plan. This affected 941 members.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and any confusion this may cause. We’re sending corrected ANOCs with a letter explaining the issue to affected members. They should receive the letter next week. We are contacting affected members by phone as well.

If you have any questions, call Broker Support at 1-877-917-8489 or email If members have questions, they can call us at 1-877-795-6117 (TTY 711), daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time. Voicemail is used on holidays and weekends from April 1 to September 30.